Lab Tasks
Exam Style Questions
- What application is a winner tree useful for?
- Show the successive states of the following winner tree after
N deletion operations.
[Picture of some winner tree and its runs, make up your own :-]
- Derive, using using step counts or reasonable explanation, the
asymptotic complexity of deletion from a winner tree and the
following update from a run.
- Define a {min,max} heap.
- Give the algorithm for insertion into a {min,max} heap.
What is the big-O complexity of this algorithm?
- Show the successive states of the following {min,max} heap after
insertion of these values [list of values to insert, one by one]
[Picture of some heap, make up your own :-]
- Give the algorithm for deletion from a {min,max} heap.
What is the big-O complexity of this algorithm?
- Show the successive states of the following {min,max} heap after
N deletion operations.
[Picture of some heap, make up your own :-]