Reading Prefix Expressions: Part A - Using an Iterator
An arithmetic expression in prefix form can be easily read into a binary tree
of characters, and then output in infix or postfix using an inorder or
postorder traversal.
There are two ways to read a prefix expression into a binary tree. The first
algorithm uses an iterator:
do {
Read character
If the tree is empty
Insert the root node with this character
If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
Set the iterator to the root
Else If there is no left offspring from the iterator node
Add a left offspring from the iterator node with this character
If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
Set the iterator to the new left offspring
Else Add a right offspring from the iterator node with this character
If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
Set the iterator to the new right offspring
Else While the iterator node exists and it has a right offspring
Move the iterator up to its parent
} While the iterator node exists
Use the YABTI binary tree class in
to implement the above algorithm, and to output the input expression in
perfix, infix, and postfix form.
As a first test, if you input the prefix expression +*AB-C/DE
the three outputs should be:
+ * A B - C / D E
A * B + C - D / E
A B * C D E / - +
Reading Prefix Expressions: Part B - Using Recursion
The second algorithm uses recursion to read the prefix expression into a
binary tree. Work out and implement this algorithm.