Reading Prefix Expressions: Part A - Using an Iterator

An arithmetic expression in prefix form can be easily read into a binary tree of characters, and then output in infix or postfix using an inorder or postorder traversal. There are two ways to read a prefix expression into a binary tree. The first algorithm uses an iterator:
do {
    Read character
    If the tree is empty
        Insert the root node with this character
        If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
            Set the iterator to the root
    Else If there is no left offspring from the iterator node
            Add a left offspring from the iterator node with this character
            If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
                Set the iterator to the new left offspring
        Else Add a right offspring from the iterator node with this character
            If the character is an operator (one of *, /, +, or -)
                Set the iterator to the new right offspring
            Else While the iterator node exists and it has a right offspring
                    Move the iterator up to its parent
    } While the iterator node exists 
Use the YABTI binary tree class in binarytreeclass.h and binarytreeclass.cpp to implement the above algorithm, and to output the input expression in perfix, infix, and postfix form. As a first test, if you input the prefix expression +*AB-C/DE the three outputs should be:
+ * A B - C / D E
A * B + C - D / E
A B * C D E / - +

Reading Prefix Expressions: Part B - Using Recursion

The second algorithm uses recursion to read the prefix expression into a binary tree. Work out and implement this algorithm.
