Using the TPTP World

In order to use an ATP system it is necessary to prepare the problem for the ATP system, execute the ATP system, and postprocess the system's output as required. The details of these steps are described in the ATP process.

Using the SystemOnTPTP Interface

SystemOnTPTP is a meta-tool that is used to submit problems in TPTP syntax to ATP systems and other processing tools. It deals with the steps of: The command line version of SystemOnTPTP is available in the SystemExecution directory of the TPTPWorld. The command line format is
     SystemOnTPTP [-qN] SystemName---Version TimeLimit [-S] ProblemFile
e.g., SystemOnTPTP -q1 EP---0.999 30 -S MyProblem.p. The optional -qN controls the debug level, with -q0 being most verbose and -q3 least. The optional -S flag causes the system output to be converted to a TPTP format proof, if possible. The ProblemFile must be in TPTP format. If a TPTP library problem name is specified then SystemOnTPTP will find it, e.g., SystemOnTPTP SPASS---3.0 30 PUZ001+1. To get a list of the available systems do SystemOnTPTP -w.

SystemOnTPTP is also available online at:
The file to be processed may be an existing TPTP problem file, a file uploaded from your computer, a file at a URL, or pasted into the text box. To process a problem file: The SystemB4TPTP and SystemOnTSTP interfaces provide access to tools for preparing problems and processing solutions. There are links to these interfaces from the SystemOnTPTP page.

Preparing a Problem File

Checking the Syntax of the formulae and the Consistency of the axioms

Establishing Logical Consequence

Generating a Derivation and Derivation Tree Image

A derivation for a provable conjecture can be generated by submitting the file (axioms and conjecture) to a theorem prover that can output a derivation. For example
    SystemOnTPTP -q1 EP---0.999 30 -S MyProblem.p 
A derivation tree for a derivation can be generated by submitting a derivation file to IDV. The command line version of IDV is available in the ServiceTools directory of the TPTPWorld. The command line format is
     IDV SolutionFile
e.g., IDV MySolution.s.

Preprocessing a Problem File

SystemOnTPTP deals with all the necessary steps of preprocessing a problem file before giving it to the selected system. In some situations it is desirable to perform these steps individually. The tptp2X (and for some things, tptp4X) utility can be used for most individual steps. These are available in the TPTP2X directory of the TPTP problem library, and the ServiceTools directory of the TPTPWorld, respectively. Running these with a -h flag will provide usage instructions.
