A Fast Impulsive Contact Suite for Rigid Body Simulation
Authors: Harald Schmidl and Victor J. Milenkovic

Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics September 2002, revised April 2003, published March/April 2004, TVCG Vol. 10(2).
Due to page limitations for publication in TVCG we chose to omit color plates in the text and provide them and a video through this web page. Access the paper in pdf format.

Still frames

The stack of cubes and spheres.

Cubejam: 100 cubes squeeze around obstacles in a container.

Cubeglass at frame 300: cubes trickle through the funnel. Cubes that have settled in the bottom start to freeze.

Cubeglass at frame 500: almost done. Most cubes are frozen.

Cubeglass at frame 600: all cubes are frozen. The simulation literally flies.

In the cubeglass example, the complexity of contacts is easily percevied considering the large number of contacts per frame:
1000 cubes * average of 4 contacts per cube = 4000 contacts per frame.

Finally, a video with all scenes in a small format, lowres quality for fast download (8.5MB):  ics.avi . Right click on the link, choose "Save link as", then open in your favorite viewer.

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