Spring 2016
Instructor: Odelia Schwartz (odelia at cs miami edu)
Tues, Thurs 11-12:15
Ungar Third floor, 330G
Description: The brain is an intriguing system, and understanding how it works is increasingly becoming a cross disciplinary effort, combining computational tools with biological and psychological data. This course will introduce students to the field of computational neuroscience, including the analysis and modeling of neural systems. We will address models of how, why, and what, neural systems are doing; from the level of single neurons through to populations of neurons and perception and behavior. We will also make some connections with approaches in machine learning. The course will include lectures, along with some paper discussions and computer tutorials in Matlab.
Prerequisites: Statistics/probability, calculus 1 and 2; or permission from instructor.
No prior experience in programming or biology/neuroscience are required.
- The class will include a number of Matlab tutorials and labs, including an introduction to Matlab. No prior programming experience is required. You will be able to run the tutorial code, modify model parameters, sometimes add missing pieces and answer questions which we will discuss during lab. We will try to pair students with computer science or computational background, with students who have biology or psychology backgrounds.
- The class will include several paper discussions
that cover recent progress in the field, or classical papers. You will be
asked to do a presentation of a paper or research topic.
- There will be no exams.
- There is no required textbook. Suggested textbook in the field:
Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems,
by Peter Dayan and L.F. Abbott.
- Instructor office hours: Please stop by at any time if the door is open, or email odelia at cs miami edu to schedule an appointment in Ungar 310D.
- 70% participation; 30% project. We will try to pair
those from CS/Engineering fields with those from Bio/Psych
for projects.
- In liu of a project, you can instead hand in two assignments based
on the computer labs we did. Hand them in by the last day of class (April 20).
(1)The first assignment:
(2) The second assignment: Choose another lab that is not
about spike-triggered approaches and Poisson. Answer the
questions that were asked in the main lab file (and show
any relevant new figures that were generated).
Jan 12: First class -- Welcome!