This assignment enters with 15% into the total grade!
Assignment 8 -- Internet Programming Assignment
- Below you will find links to two binary
programs, a chat server and a chat client. In the end, you should
turn in a program that has the same functionality as the
client. Do not start programming now (unless you
want to).
- Step 1:
- Download the programs and understand what they do.
- To start the server, type ./chat_server <port>, where
<port> is an integer greater than 1024
- To connect to the sever, type ./chat_client <ip-addr>
<port> <nick>
- <ip-addr> is the IP-Address of the server
host (use if the server runs on the same host, use
nslookup <name> for other hosts)
- <port> is the same number as used for the server
- <nick> is the nickname under which you will chat
- Due to firewalling, do not expect to be able to reach a
server from outside the lab.
- The binaries only run under Linux.
- I will try to keep a server running on lee on port
6666 for all of you to share.
- ./chat_client 6666 <nick> should connect
to it.
- The programs. In Mozilla, right-click and choose "Safe link
target as". You may (or may not) need to chmod ugo+x them after
Schulz,, Mon Nov 18 10:36:37 EST 2002