Presentation Assignment

Research your assigned topic and prepare (and hold) a 10 minute talk on it. The classroom supports paper or plastc slides, or computer presentation. If you send me a self-contained HTML file or a PDF, we can project slides of my computer. Or BYO (laptop with standard VGA output).
Name TopicDate
Tappert, Andrew Scott A PL Interpreter 18/11/2002
Guthrie, Brian Joseph Intercal 25/11/2002
Del Rio, Heberto Threads 25/11/2002
Toledo, Nicole Celine Cobol 25/11/2002
Bethanis, Georgios Prolog 2/12/2002
Olivia, Dario Unlambda 2/12/2002
Olivio, David Fortran 4/12/2002
Zaidi, Anila K. Lazy Evaluation 4/12/2002
Hadavi, Kara Leigh Co-Routines 4/12/2002
Nwadike, Ugochukuu B. Orthogonal 6/12/2002
Ductan, Kerline (TBA) 6/12/2002

Stephan Schulz,, Thu Aug 22 13:35:31 EDT 2002