Project Boom H.E. (the Home Edition)

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: sep 2015
    boom  -- count up or down until "Boom!"
	boom [-uv] [-n stepsize] count

    Count down from count until zero and then print "Boom!". 

    The following options are available:
    -u Count up. This option will cause it to count up from 0 until count
       and then print "Boom!".
    -v Verbose output
    -n Stepsize; must be postive. Default is 1.
    If count is negative, exit without printing anything.

    Introduced in csc421.161 after a long history, e.g. see MTH120.982.
    Stopping behavior is not defined if when counting up and count is not
    a multiple of the stepsize.


The goals of this project are:

Specific steps

Modify Project Alpha's boom program:


The makefile provided gives certain required targets. Make clean removes all build products. In general, all that you should commit is what is left in the directory after a make clean. All other files are a consequence of these files.

Possible points off for committing a large file that need not have been committed.

Generally, make test will do it all: if there hasn't been a recent build, it will cause a make build, and will run the test. The sequence make clean; make test is one way to make sure your build process hasn't forgotten anything.

You need not change the makefile to satisfy the requirements of this project, although you might want to add a run target, i.e. make run, so that you can quickly run your boom code in ways of your choosing, rather than the few runs of the test target.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 30 aug 2015
update: 29 aug 2016