Project Hello World

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: aug 2018
    helloworld  -- prints "Hello World!" to standard out and exits.
    Prints "Hello World!" to standard out and exits.

    Introduced in csc421.181.


The goals of this project are:

Specific steps


The provided helloworld.c is the skeleton. Please modify to satisfy the test case. The Makefile provided has the default target to build the binary. The test target redirects output to the helloworld.out file and then compares the captured output to the reference output give in helloworld.ref. Differences will be reported. If the match, the diff program is silent.

The clean target removes build and test products. Never commit products! Commit only sources (in this project, Makefile, helloworld.c and helloworld.ref). Points of for committing build products.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 21 aug 2017
update: 21 aug 2018