Kernel Monitor Project

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: 6 oct 2019
    my_monitor -- monitor syscall
    my_monitor takes a single argument, the operation, and implements monitor semantics
    of enter, leave, wait, notify and notify-all. The monitor implements Mesa semantics
    with a single wait queue.

    The single argument values are:
    Argument values:
        0 - release all locks and waits 
        1 - enter the monitor
        2 - leave the monitor
        3 - go into a wait while leaving the monitor
        4 - notify a single thread waiting on in the monitor,
            the notify is lost if there is no waiting thread. 
        5 - notify all thread waiting on the monitor
    The monitor uses Mesa semantics. The notify and notify-all release one or all
    waiting threads, respectively, and the thread or threads contend for re-entry
    into the monitor.

    The caller of notify and notify-all remains in the monitor after the call to 
    notify or notify-all.
    The programmer must guarantee that leave, wait, notify and notify-all are only 
    called by a thread that is in the monitor. The monitor is not assured to be
    re-entrant: the thread in the monitor must not call enter.

    The kernel monitor project first appeared an project 3 in csc521.111 (2011-2012).

    Reset has never been implemented. Failure of user code generally needs to reboot
    the operating system to clear the lock.
    Only one monitor instance for the entire kernel.
    Does not check for which thread holds the monitor, either to enforce semantics, 
    or implement a re-entrant lock.


The goals of this project are:

Specific steps

The specific steps for this project are:
  1. Copy the [repo]/class/proj3 for template files into your proj3 directory. Add and make an initial commit.
  2. Modify copy mysyscalls.c and mysyscalls.h into the kernel, and modify the syscall table and the linux header. Here are the changes needed.
  3. Rebuild the kernel and reboot on the new kernel. This is to make sure the basic templates and kernel modifications are working, without yet introducing new code.
  4. Test mysyslog using the makefile target. If it does not work, check your work in the above steps.
  5. Edit mysyscalls.c to implement the monitor code. You must rebuild, reinstall and reboot to take the code changes in mysyscalls.c.
  6. Test the monitor using the locktest makefile target.
  7. Test the monitor using the notifyalltest makefile target.
  8. The basic test is locking. You must test waiting and notify. Create programs and/or procedures to test these, and add the waitnotifytest target to the makefile.
  9. When submitting your solution, use the makefile target evidence to create a tar file containing your kernel changes.

A little about libraries

There tends to be a software layer between syscalls and user programs. The parameters and functionality of a syscall are arranged to suit the kernel programming. A syscall's functionality is a balance between what is generally useful and what is the cleanest to implement. To address a viewpoint of a functionality more responsive to application programmer needs, a library transforms in more or less complete ways the calls into the kernel.

To get a feel for this, we will improve the project 2 by passing the functions of our mysyscalls through a library, called lib-mysyscalls. In this project you will "witness" this process. It is mostly automated by the makefile, but I hope you read through the makefile to understand the process.

Libraries can be held in a static archive. These archives are created and maintained by the ar command, and customarily have an .a extension. (Recall that in unix, all extensions are customary. There is no enforcement mechanism, although certain benefits follow from observing the conventions.) An archive is a collection of objects (.o files), with a table of contents to help the linker-loader find functions inside the various collected .o files. Create an archive with ar -c naming first the archive to create, and then a list of object files to place into the archive.

Using the archive consists of two parts.

  1. On the code (binary) level, link against the archive by including it on the cc line with either the .c files, or .o files. Order is important — in the order named on the compile command, the archive containing a needed function must follow any code requiring that function. If all code references are resolved, then the .o file becomes executable.
  2. On the source (text) level, include the library's .h file into the .c file that will use the library functions. This is what the compiler needs to go from a .c to a .o.
The makefile has a target to create the library .o, and then to process the .o into a .a. The file lib-mysyscalls.a is listed as a dependency for the test programs, and the library is placed after the test program in the compilation. The program cc is actually a wrapper for three programs,
  1. cpp, the C preprocessor, which expands out all #defines and macros,
  2. cc, which compiles C code to assembler, and then invokes the assembler to create machine code,
  3. ld, the linking loader which resolves interdependencies between individually compiled codes, and prepares the final executable.
The clever C compiler figures out the correct thing to do with each of files named as arguments to its invocation.

Constructing a Monitor

Sponge Bob in Hall Monitor

I give pseudo-code for a Mesa style monitor, built from the kernel semaphores. Synchronization primitives build from more basic up. From the spin-lock, to the kernel semaphore, to more sophisticated, and more manageable primitives such as the monitor. Originally introduced by Hoare, in designing the Mesa operating system, the definition was revised ot simplify the implementation. That became known as the Mesa style monitor.

Linux provides for semaphores. A semaphore has essentially two operations, the P operation, a.k.a. down or wait, and the V operation, a.k.a. up or signal. A semaphore has the ability to make thread-safe decisions about whether code will take a lock or will be into a wait queue waiting for the lock to be free, and take thread-safe action on that decision. Also, the semaphore provides theread-safe logic for the release of the lock, and the hand off of the lock to the newly awoken thread from the wait queue.

Monitors improve a simple semaphore by adding the operations wait, notify and notify-all.

Two Linux semaphores and an integer variable are used in this construction of a monitor. One semaphore implements a lock which protects the logic and data of the monitor. The other semaphore is used to manage a wait queue.

In the following code, the wait_count++ and -- have to be done in a critical section to make the increment/decrement atomic.

Also, the check of the wait_count and the decrement have to be in the critical section to prevent two thread both finding wait_count positive (but say equal to one) both doing the decrement (leaving wait_count negative).

I place the wait_count++ under the lock else there would be a critical race between the decision to wait and the test by notify of wait_count of process intending to wait

// solution to monitor project
// burt rosenberg, oct 2010
// updated: oct 2011


semaphore lock_sema
semaphore wait_sema
integer wait_count

	lock_sema unlocked (1)
	wait_sema locked (0)
	wait_count = 0 

	assume: not holding lock_sema
	down on lock_sema

	assume: holding lock_sema
	up on lock_sema

	assume: holding lock_sema
	// increment must be atomic
	up on lock_sema
	// no critical race because wait_count 
	//    registers interest in waiting
	down on wait_sema
	// contend to reenter
	down on lock_sema
	assume: holding lock_sema
	// are "if" and decrement SMP safe? yes, lock_sema protects wait_count.
	if wait_count>0 
		up on wait_sema
	assume: holding lock_sema
	while wait_count>0
		up on wait_sema

Linux Semaphores

The linux kernel provides a number of synchronization primitives. These are all poorly documented, and what documentation exists is out of date, and refers to deprecated (now removed) semaphore API's.

Please go by this example. I suggest you implement enter/leave first, to test whether you can get one MUTEX working.

============ $R/kernel/mysyscalls.c ============


/* how to allocated a static semaphore struct, initialized to count 1 (a mutex) */
/* static DECLARE_MUTEX(lock_sema) ; */ /* the book uses a deprecated interface */
static DEFINE_SEMAPHORE(lock_sema) ; /* see */
/* how to allocated a static semaphore struct, initialized to count 0 */
static struct semaphore wait_sema = __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER(wait_sema,0) ;

asmlinkage long sys_my_monitor(unsigned long op)
        int result ;
        printk( KERN_DEBUG "my_monitor: entered") ;
        case MONITOR_DOWN:
                printk( KERN_DEBUG "my_monitor: MONITOR_DOWN") ;
                result = down_interruptible(&lock_sema) ;
                break ;
        case MONITOR_UP:
                printk( KERN_DEBUG "my_monitor: MONITOR_UP") ;
                up(&lock_sema) ;
                break ;
                printk( KERN_DEBUG "my_monitor: operation action") ;
        return 0 ;

Aborting a Semaphore

A weakness of this monitor is that there is no way to reset it. You will probably have to reboot your system every time an application program messes up. Here is a way to reset which I call "poisoning the well". Implement if you wish (hard):

* Convert the lock to a second wait queue, keeping track on the
  number of threads on that queue, similar to the first wait queue.

* An "aborting" counter is introduced, normally zero.

* To abort: set the aborting counter to the sum of waiting threads
  on both queues. This is called "poisoning the well", because all the 
  threads now waiting are poisoned.
* Notify-all on both the wait queue and the lock-queue. Now all poisoned threadss
  want to enter. (New threads can go onto the lock queue, and are not poisoned).
* Return -1 to enter thread trying to enter the monitor
  while aborting counter > 0; return the aborting counter.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 13 oct 2015
update: 6 oct 2019