TTFTP Project — Response

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami

The Files

To repeat the tests, copy Makefile-test from [repo]/class/proj3. Dependencies in that makefile will copy over the test files poem.txt, etc., and the reference implementation, ttftp-ref, when needed. For the clarity, a tcp trace can be run in separate window using the tcpdump target, and the server is run in a separate window using the run-server target. A file, server-running, is created to help remind during testing to start the server.

$ ls 
Makefile        ttftp.h          ttftp.c         ttftp-server.c      ttftp-client.c
poem.txt        545bytes.bin     1535bytes.bin   1536bytes.bin       1537bytes.bin
Makefile-test   proj3-class.txt  ttftp-ref


The standard makefile test is repeated as Makefile-test test1. The test2 provides the remainder of the basic test. The basic test standard is the successful transfer of a text file requiring only a single block, and a binary file requiring two blocks.

This standard is achieved in three steps — a, b and c. Test2a transfers said text file; test2b said binary file; and test2c does these two transfers against the reference server.

Only a complete pass of basic tests will enable further testing. The extended tests for this project are test3a, test3b and test4. Tests 3a and 3b are longer files including files of multiples of the block length; 3b tests the user's server against the reference client. Test4 tests the simple file-not-found error path.

# makefile to test proj3, ttftp, csc424-192
# author: bjr
# date: april 4, 2019
# last update:

PORT= 33031
FILE_S = file-on-server.txt
FILE_C = file-on-client.txt
SERVER_HOST = localhost

PTP = ../../burt/proj3/ref

MT = Makefile-test

ttftp-server.o: ttftp-server.c ttftp.h
	cc ${COPTS} -c -o $@ $<

ttftp-client.o: ttftp-client.c ttftp.h
	cc ${COPTS} -c -o $@ $<

ttftp: ttftp.c ttftp-server.o ttftp-client.o ttftp.h
	cc ${COPTS} -o $@ $< ttftp-client.o ttftp-server.o

test1: ttftp
	echo "hello world" > ${FILE_S}
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	@echo "server started"
	./ttftp -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f ${FILE_S} ${PORT} 
	@echo "check ttftp has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp

test2a: ttftp poem.txt 
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	./ttftp -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f poem.txt ${PORT} > test.out
	@echo "check ttftp has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp
	diff poem.txt test.out

test2b: ttftp 545bytes.bin
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	./ttftp -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f 545bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	@echo "check ttftp has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp
	diff 545bytes.bin test.out

test2c: ttftp ttftp-ref poem.txt 545bytes.bin
	@echo "*** checking for reference server running"
	@echo "---> make -f ${MT} run-ref to start reference server"
	rm running-ref
	./ttftp -h localhost -f poem.txt ${PORT}
	./ttftp -h localhost -f 545bytes.bin ${PORT} | hexdump
	@echo "check ttftp-ref has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp

test3a: ttftp ttftp-ref 1535bytes.bin 1536bytes.bin 1537bytes.bin
	@echo "*** checking for reference server running"
	@echo "---> make -f ${MT} run-ref to start reference server"
	rm running-ref
	./ttftp -h localhost -f 1535bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1535bytes.bin test.out
	./ttftp -h localhost -f 1536bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1536bytes.bin test.out
	./ttftp -h localhost -f 1537bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1537bytes.bin test.out
	@echo "check ttftp-ref has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp

test3b: ttftp ttftp-ref 1535bytes.bin 1536bytes.bin 1537bytes.bin
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	./ttftp-ref -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f 1535bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1535bytes.bin test.out
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	./ttftp-ref -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f 1536bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1536bytes.bin test.out
	./ttftp -L  ${PORT} &
	./ttftp-ref -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f 1537bytes.bin ${PORT} > test.out
	diff 1537bytes.bin test.out
	@echo "check ttftp has exited..."
	ps aux | grep ttftp

test4: ttftp
	-killall ttftp
	./ttftp -L ${PORT} &
	sleep 1
	./ttftp -h ${SERVER_HOST} -f nosuchname ${PORT} 

	cp ../../class/proj3/poem.txt .

	cp ../../class/proj3/545bytes.bin .

	cp ../../class/proj3/1535bytes.bin .

	cp ../../class/proj3/1536bytes.bin .

	cp ../../class/proj3/1537bytes.bin .

	cp ../../class/proj3/ttftp-ref .

	@echo "generally run in own window"
	sudo tcpdump -i lo -lX port ${PORT} or portrange 10000-65535

run-ref: ttftp-ref
	@echo "generally run in own window"
	touch running-ref
	./ttftp-ref -v ${PORT}
	-rm runnig-ref

	-rm test.out poem.txt 545bytes.bin  ${FILE_S} ${FILE_C}
	-rm ttftp ttftp-server.o ttftp-client.o ttftp-ref running-ref
	-rm 1535bytes.bin 1536bytes.bin 1537bytes.bin

Test results

class: csc424-192
project: proj3

grade: _/5

passes basic test (#):		_/3
passes extended test (%):	_/2
lateness:		 	(0)/(3)
- passes basic test
	1 pt test1 pass or viable attempt
	1 pt test2a and test2b substantial pass
	1 pt test2a and test2b full pass and test2c pass

- passes extended test
	only if basic test passed

	on or after
   (1) march 26
   (2) march 30
   (3) april 6


testing procedure:

(1) make -f Makefile-test tcpdump ; make test
    observe or proper behavior
(2) make -f Makefile-test tcpdump ; make -f Makefile-test test1
    this is same as test, but on a file
(3) make -f Makefile-test tcpdump ; make -f Makefile-test test2a
    make -f Makefile-test tcpdump ; make -f Makefile-test test2b
    if test1 is passed, these are run to explore further
    running; test2b tests 2 packets with data in binary
(4) make -f Makefile-test tcpdump ; make -f Makefile-test run-ref ;
    make -f Makefile-test test2c
    if test2a and test2b passed, test2c runs against a reference server
(5) if all up to test2c passed, the extended tests are performed.
*** traces ***

	$ make -f Makefile-test tcpdump
	20:30:09.050366 IP localhost.53293 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 27
		0x0000:  4500 0037 7c4f 4000 4011 c064 7f00 0001  E..7|O@.@..d....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 d02d 8107 0023 fe36 0001 6669
		0x0020:  6c65 2d6f 6e2d 7365 7276 6572 2e74 7874  le-on-server.txt
		0x0030:  006f 6374 6574 00                        .octet.
	20:30:09.050676 IP localhost.43092 > localhost.53293: UDP, length 16
		0x0000:  4500 002c 7c50 4000 4011 c06e 7f00 0001  E..,|P@.@..n....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 a854 d02d 0018 fe2b 0003 0001  .....T.-...+....
		0x0020:  6865 6c6c 6f20 776f 726c 640a  
	20:30:09.050850 IP localhost.53293 > localhost.43092: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 7c51 4000 4011 c079 7f00 0001  E...|Q@.@..y....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 d02d a854 000c fe1f 0004 0001  .....-.T........

	$ make -f Makefile-test tcpdump
	20:31:08.522361 IP localhost.52963 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 17
		0x0000:  4500 002d 98b7 4000 4011 a406 7f00 0001  E..-..@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 cee3 8107 0019 fe2c 0001 706f  ...........,..po
		0x0020:  656d 2e74 7874 006f 6374 6574 00         em.txt.octet.
	20:31:08.523182 IP localhost.50885 > localhost.52963: UDP, length 404
		0x0000:  4500 01b0 98b8 4000 4011 a282 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c6c5 cee3 019c ffaf 0003 0001  ................
		0x0020:  4c65 206c 6f6e 6720 6475 2076 6965 7578  Le.long.du.vieux
		0x0030:  2066 6175 626f 7572 672c 206f c3b9 2070  .faubourg,.o...p
		0x0040:  656e 6465 6e74 2061 7578 206d 6173 7572  endent.aux.masur
		0x0050:  6573 0a4c 6573 2070 6572 7369 656e 6e65  es.Les.persienne
		0x0060:  732c 2061 6272 6920 6465 7320 7365 6372  s,.abri.des.secr
		0x0070:  c3a8 7465 7320 6c75 7875 7265 732c 0a51  ..tes.luxures,.Q
		0x0080:  7561 6e64 206c 6520 736f 6c65 696c 2063  uand.le.soleil.c
		0x0090:  7275 656c 2066 7261 7070 6520 c3a0 2074  ruel.frappe....t
		0x00a0:  7261 6974 7320 7265 646f 7562 6cc3 a973  raits.redoubl..s
		0x00b0:  0a53 7572 206c 6120 7669 6c6c 6520 6574
		0x00c0:  206c 6573 2063 6861 6d70 732c 2073 7572  .les.champs,.sur
		0x00d0:  206c 6573 2074 6f69 7473 2065 7420 6c65
		0x00e0:  7320 626c c3a9 732c 0a4a 6520 7661 6973,.Je.vais
		0x00f0:  206d 2765 7865 7263 6572 2073 6575 6c20  .m'exercer.seul.
		0x0100:  c3a0 206d 6120 6661 6e74 6173 7175 6520
		0x0110:  6573 6372 696d 652c 0a46 6c61 6972 616e  escrime,.Flairan
		0x0120:  7420 6461 6e73 2074 6f75 7320 6c65 7320  t.dans.tous.les.
		0x0130:  636f 696e 7320 6c65 7320 6861 7361 7264  coins.les.hasard
		0x0140:  7320 6465 206c 6120 7269 6d65 2c0a 5472,.Tr
		0x0150:  c3a9 6275 6368 616e 7420 7375 7220 6c65  ..buchant.sur.le
		0x0160:  7320 6d6f 7473 2063 6f6d 6d65 2073 7572  s.mots.comme.sur
		0x0170:  206c 6573 2070 6176 c3a9 730a 4865 7572  .les.pav..s.Heur
		0x0180:  7461 6e74 2070 6172 666f 6973 2064 6573  tant.parfois.des
		0x0190:  2076 6572 7320 6465 7075 6973 206c 6f6e  .vers.depuis.lon
		0x01a0:  6774 656d 7073 2072 c3aa 76c3 a973 2e0a  gtemps.r..v..s..
	20:31:08.523704 IP localhost.52963 > localhost.50885: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 98b9 4000 4011 a411 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 cee3 c6c5 000c fe1f 0004 0001  ................

	$ make -f Makefile-test tcpdump
	20:32:05.416432 IP localhost.49184 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 21
		0x0000:  4500 0031 b107 4000 4011 8bb2 7f00 0001  E..1..@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c020 8107 001d fe30 0001 3534  ...........0..54
		0x0020:  3562 7974 6573 2e62 696e 006f 6374 6574  5bytes.bin.octet
		0x0030:  00                                       .
	20:32:05.417142 IP localhost.60189 > localhost.49184: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 b108 4000 4011 89c2 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 eb1d c020 020c 0020 0003 0001  ................
		0x0020:  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
		0x0030:  8fa7 c4c8 5f75 b5a5 70bf 305c 98af 6e9d  ...._u..p.0\..n.
		0x0040:  d207 9aa7 368f b4ba d1bf a51b 0ab2 3d6e  ....6.........=n
		0x0050:  71fe bc66 4639 93b2 ff5e d970 075a c88c  q..fF9...^.p.Z..
		0x0060:  9822 dda7 444d 5a05 1fbd 2ba1 5099 5ba6  ."..DMZ...+.P.[.
		0x0070:  1247 eee8 b035 e77e 9f17 47dc f816 b8af  .G...5.~..G.....
		0x0080:  3fe9 a325 07b1 f983 952a 8154 032c 15f2  ?..%.....*.T.,..
		0x0090:  578a fb37 9b99 3f13 cbef 830d 7877 e975  W..7..?.....xw.u
		0x00a0:  c3a8 5d9c 85ec 667a 4e39 706a bd1e 6b3e  ..]...fzN9pj..k>
		0x00b0:  bb4a 4aa1 268e c57b 8f21 7684 7d7c 6aa0  .JJ.&..{.!v.}|j.
		0x00c0:  d64c d7d8 6293 86d7 af2b 32ca bc67 3e82  .L..b....+2..g>.
		0x00d0:  8397 5e40 27bf 30bd eb9c a2a1 228f 273f  ..^@'.0.....".'?
		0x00e0:  b394 d846 c0ee 8761 533d 25bd 3c7b 6de8  ...F...aS=%.<{m.
		0x00f0:  b65c efae f6cd 42b2 50f6 03f1 ec06 5e17  .\....B.P.....^.
		0x0100:  9961 1e38 40d7 3ecc e1f0 d760 d2f9 243a  .a.8@.>....`..$:
		0x0110:  aa1b f690 220b 1932 07c3 c10a b2d8 f96c  ...."..2.......l
		0x0120:  f980 799e ca65 7ffb 1d46 4641 8b7b 6acc  ..y..e...FFA.{j.
		0x0130:  cc44 44ff ed74 036a 1ae3 ca5a fb35 0df1  .DD..t.j...Z.5..
		0x0140:  6d0d 4148 cabb bf46 7bef 661c 95ff 8f3a  m.AH...F{.f....:
		0x0150:  d317 960f a2c1 5835 07c2 29d8 6dc0 84e2  ......X5..).m...
		0x0160:  29e6 f8a4 cbfd 68b1 da4b f44c 75ca 1640  ).....h..K.Lu..@
		0x0170:  4520 5eab 9108 baac 9a4d 76a5 356c 201b  E.^......Mv.5l..
		0x0180:  2e2e 950e 4dca bbf5 d7d5 d4b2 131d 0435  ....M..........5
		0x0190:  26c0 1912 ea04 8bd9 993e c00a 8eb5 acff  &........>......
		0x01a0:  ce06 843e fc81 7e40 be57 2bb1 bfaf ed9c  ...>..~@.W+.....
		0x01b0:  54c1 c991 e9c8 5f6c c98c d328 7b7b f676  T....._l...({{.v
		0x01c0:  1550 74b1 b7ec 41d3 bcc3 89d2 c6e3 97d6  .Pt...A.........
		0x01d0:  2743 c476 419b 0dbb 5e9b dd70 85a1 2351  'C.vA...^..p..#Q
		0x01e0:  938c db04 258c 5cb2 d298 634e 02a6 d286  ....%.\...cN....
		0x01f0:  bf09 fe43 d4c8 1bb8 244a bede d9f2 c0d2  ...C....$J......
		0x0200:  e54c 2606 34dc 277f 46b7 9467 2ac0 73f5  .L&.4.'.F..g*.s.
		0x0210:  282d 70e1 62ed 8c75 64b4 f228 2cce e041  (-p.b..ud..(,..A
	20:32:05.417787 IP localhost.49184 > localhost.60189: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 b109 4000 4011 8bc1 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c020 eb1d 000c fe1f 0004 0001  ................
	20:32:05.417864 IP localhost.60189 > localhost.49184: UDP, length 37
		0x0000:  4500 0041 b10a 4000 4011 8b9f 7f00 0001  E..A..@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 eb1d c020 002d fe40 0003 0002  .........-.@....
		0x0020:  7c99 4459 75c9 12c2 0490 2777 e571 a9ad  |.DYu.....'w.q..
		0x0030:  f000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
		0x0040:  00                                       .
	20:32:05.417980 IP localhost.49184 > localhost.60189: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 b10b 4000 4011 8bbf 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c020 eb1d 000c fe1f 0004 0002  ................

	23:07:23.278157 IP localhost.47183 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 22
		0x0000:  4500 0032 1aa4 4000 4011 2215 7f00 0001  E..2..@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b84f 8107 001e fe31 0001 3135  .....O.....1..15
		0x0020:  3335 6279 7465 732e 6269 6e00 6f63 7465  35bytes.bin.octe
		0x0030:  7400                                     t.
	23:07:23.278874 IP localhost.49580 > localhost.47183: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1aa5 4000 4011 2026 7f00 0001  E.....@.@..&....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c1ac b84f 020c 0020 0003 0001  .......O........
		0x0020:  b74d 208d 2a45 2526 a333 05b9 9234 6b34  .M..*E%&.3...4k4
		0x0030:  584e 5a8b 2e8d 73ac fcf2 888f 4e1b a766  XNZ...s.....N..f
		0x0040:  65af d601 588c 7a30 ea8f b079 cbc1 c090  e...X.z0...y....
		0x0050:  f2c1 84da 6c95 dd1d f2d7 6d4e cb75 b530  ....l.....mN.u.0
		0x0060:  a49a 8131 6bab c0e7 7718 11e4 00ae 909d  ...1k...w.......
		0x0070:  e286 00a8 962e 4fe4 b523 b65a ffab 6b79
		0x0080:  106d 99b8 e05a a4e2 4b64 ffac d36c fa07  .m...Z..Kd...l..
		0x0090:  8626 6d98 b4e4 c044 ac37 d3f1 0179 1864  .&m....D.7...y.d
		0x00a0:  a40c 8b64 46cc 7a4d 49c9 b6c2 c15d 29c0  ...dF.zMI....]).
		0x00b0:  9bdf c0c6 bad6 06a7 a08f 647c 0d1c 0762  ..........d|...b
		0x00c0:  ca2d 9134 3127 05eb 70b1 71d3 93e4 52b6  .-.41'..p.q...R.
		0x00d0:  37e3 7303 4628 32eb 8824 e932 6eef 5b47  7.s.F(2..$.2n.[G
		0x00e0:  10f2 4f10 deb8 5286 ee85 02b4 9c25 e8a7  ..O...R......%..
		0x00f0:  3fbd 7dc8 8018 4342 cc6d aedf cf6f 881b  ?.}...CB.m...o..
		0x0100:  e800 80fa df4f 655a 881c 56bb 6c58 5f41  .....OeZ..V.lX_A
		0x0110:  9a79 f8b9 c961 3db7 7da3 b5fe 060f 7591  .y...a=.}.....u.
		0x0120:  8bc9 7c79 5322 ef2d 2ffe 3a78 7c01 aa14  ..|yS".-/.:x|...
		0x0130:  bd7b 3dcc 980c c5c4 0f14 2d48 1a62 7678  .{=.......-H.bvx
		0x0140:  321d 8d39 1497 d3b4 68df fb0a 2b97 e400  2..9....h...+...
		0x0150:  49a1 9119 93bb cad9 782d 9a35 0d4f 1cf1  I.......x-.5.O..
		0x0160:  4e39 f254 fad5 5053 64c3 eec2 4d57 d1ff  N9.T..PSd...MW..
		0x0170:  122b 7253 3905 3997 37e9 78ce fb17 dba9  .+rS9.9.7.x.....
		0x0180:  6015 82c3 7946 3b09 c045 9c52 7f0c d416  `...yF;..E.R....
		0x0190:  e18d 5993 58f3 8716 3900 6a03 8a1e 6337  ..Y.X...9.j...c7
		0x01a0:  f28f 5a3f df14 df01 fcab e1c6 3887 5b9c  ..Z?........8.[.
		0x01b0:  2c71 3dd5 fb4e 082b 153b 57f0 799c 5f3d  ,q=..N.+.;W.y._=
		0x01c0:  f829 07b0 a4c8 64cc c8fa d834 1861 91a1  .)....d....4.a..
		0x01d0:  948e 1573 60f3 d5f3 fb0e 50e1 5153 9258  ...s`.....P.QS.X
		0x01e0:  99ba c39d bdeb f827 b74d ea87 0e65 e2bc  .......'.M...e..
		0x01f0:  e521 2f40 fe2f f357 8bc2 443c 1a0a e697  .!/@./.W..D<....
		0x0200:  984e fe05 dcec 8b32 d23b bb7e f4ee 4754  .N.....2.;.~..GT
		0x0210:  eb90 239e 6ff0 2f53 e842 aadf de7c f6a3  ..#.o./S.B...|..
	23:07:23.279497 IP localhost.47183 > localhost.49580: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aa6 4000 4011 2225 7f00 0001  E.....@.@."%....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b84f c1ac 000c fe1f 0004 0001  .....O..........
	23:07:23.279714 IP localhost.49580 > localhost.47183: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1aa7 4000 4011 2024 7f00 0001  E.....@.@..$....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c1ac b84f 020c 0020 0003 0002  .......O........
		0x0020:  572b f095 2406 63ac fbe4 b420 6510 fda4  W+..$.c.....e...
		0x0030:  70fa 3e36 2eee a1f1 9d11 e99f 32be 99f8  p.>6........2...
		0x0040:  576c b4a3 df90 fe88 e5ff 2850 a084 4733  Wl........(P..G3
		0x0050:  a632 0e15 7772 cf91 66ec 7d9a e0bf 591f  .2..wr..f.}...Y.
		0x0060:  3a47 ae88 366f 956c 5c01 2a4a f9f3 93bc  :G..6o.l\.*J....
		0x0070:  2e61 151b 16ed e003 5569 561d e7e4 6387  .a......UiV...c.
		0x0080:  eb96 f752 2521 5780 59c2 7a08 b6b8 7988  ...R%!W.Y.z...y.
		0x0090:  7997 3865 87c5 7c71 90ef f700 cd69 80b6  y.8e..|q.....i..
		0x00a0:  c915 ce92 8d10 e3e0 c6e1 e068 33b3 9ab9  ...........h3...
		0x00b0:  141b 54e0 7deb 4104 6fce 4fff 12cd 5fd3  ..T.}.A.o.O..._.
		0x00c0:  a790 4018 2bea f21b b689 0822 821e 9bad  ..@.+......"....
		0x00d0:  f961 2b58 52bc 1088 d4ce 30a2 880d b8db  .a+XR.....0.....
		0x00e0:  79d2 8c1f 2eec c25a a9de fdff e29c 55c9  y......Z......U.
		0x00f0:  3a7a 5053 a68b c374 a6c2 c3b5 d9a1 3ad0  :zPS...t......:.
		0x0100:  7120 5123 818e f02c 9f8a df75 4f3f 6149  q.Q#...,...uO?aI
		0x0110:  8fd9 0153 b054 a8d7 2fd2 1a3f 1b5d a15b  ...S.T../..?.].[
		0x0120:  cb8d ffef 1823 8987 1feb 36f2 8c68 a0e1  .....#....6..h..
		0x0130:  0f73 d622 c2ac 39fa 5080 6479 1b0c 5e8e  .s."..9.P.dy..^.
		0x0140:  ab9f 8dec af72 8646 2f4f a47d e249 5b99  .....r.F/O.}.I[.
		0x0150:  d878 d2f9 6fad 7a3a 4380 b8d4 6d1c 2d92  .x..o.z:C...m.-.
		0x0160:  71ab 1aa6 bf47 ebc8 640e 2a33 401b 0f3c  q....G..d.*3@..<
		0x0170:  0fb4 bfce 4ff6 ec41 5399 e43d 5f1c f883  ....O..AS..=_...
		0x0180:  0470 c220 172a 32aa 4a3e b021 53f9 1ad1  .p...*2.J>.!S...
		0x0190:  1ce3 b7c4 defc cf01 b5f5 d892 bef8 5066  ..............Pf
		0x01a0:  30b3 083f 069e 88b1 fe6f 86fd 2d5f c0ee  0..?.....o..-_..
		0x01b0:  b18e b6b3 b247 d034 f345 a546 09c2 b76a  .....G.4.E.F...j
		0x01c0:  6a24 5a85 3d6b 2fa7 8c9a 1574 95d3 0425  j$Z.=k/....t...%
		0x01d0:  1af0 c3ac 34ad 06b0 c6f0 3e91 6c21 1c07  ....4.....>.l!..
		0x01e0:  566d 9df4 f7cb 66e3 9af6 1a5a 97d1 b8ca  Vm....f....Z....
		0x01f0:  6254 a6b7 ddcd 4c55 806f 1f05 356c affa  bT....LU.o..5l..
		0x0200:  5951 edc2 789e f87a 4f69 7693 0a96 bd61  YQ..x..zOiv....a
		0x0210:  6994 8656 9a07 75b6 2f9c 2131 2de3 5ecc  i..V..u./.!1-.^.
	23:07:23.280270 IP localhost.47183 > localhost.49580: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aa8 4000 4011 2223 7f00 0001  E.....@.@."#....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b84f c1ac 000c fe1f 0004 0002  .....O..........
	23:07:23.280463 IP localhost.49580 > localhost.47183: UDP, length 515
		0x0000:  4500 021f 1aa9 4000 4011 2023 7f00 0001  E.....@.@..#....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c1ac b84f 020b 001f 0003 0003  .......O........
		0x0020:  b2ab 3e5f a8db d55f 9ad7 2057 35bf 30fa  ..>_..._...W5.0.
		0x0030:  efca a11b 8d25 8eed bb16 6ed2 ba62 5657  .....%....n..bVW
		0x0040:  3b39 7dc5 089f 482b 289d ae21 70ce 8ef0  ;9}...H+(..!p...
		0x0050:  22e0 8e6a 82e0 4b8d 97fd 83a9 7dc1 714c  "..j..K.....}.qL
		0x0060:  3765 938c cf9f efaa 5a35 a553 504b 4c07  7e......Z5.SPKL.
		0x0070:  cd2a 71a6 cbd8 11a5 355a 1db9 9881 5742  .*q.....5Z....WB
		0x0080:  b590 5765 ea5d c77a 4c77 9f51 5739 9786  ..We.].zLw.QW9..
		0x0090:  d6e0 ee2c 38a3 9dd9 664f 145a 3bfc 5e94  ...,8...fO.Z;.^.
		0x00a0:  e7e5 c078 d919 c84c e018 32b7 9df0 9906  ...x...L..2.....
		0x00b0:  f22e 9c15 78e9 5325 66b7 e36e 477e 802b  ....x.S%f..nG~.+
		0x00c0:  3a03 c02d 6a04 994e 0206 5d1e f3fd 5cea  :..-j..N..]...\.
		0x00d0:  8c3e 6be9 93ab fb94 7527 42bd c41e 496f  .>k.....u'B...Io
		0x00e0:  1b21 c8e3 09c8 90f0 cb00 c933 075c c2c7  .!.........3.\..
		0x00f0:  194b 948e 6e01 dc41 a656 a037 d19c 0c03  .K..n..A.V.7....
		0x0100:  0c83 cfb6 33fa 3bed d5ce 63d0 7d86 1375  ....3.;...c.}..u
		0x0110:  76f7 8fe9 29b8 3625 565b 3f47 005b c4dd  v...).6%V[?G.[..
		0x0120:  28fc a48b 6487 4762 3497 84dc 4124 6e6c  (...d.Gb4...A$nl
		0x0130:  6935 4970 0b47 a636 864e 1723 4ece 6dd2  i5Ip.G.6.N.#N.m.
		0x0140:  0156 d905 8247 4643 1ff9 d5d5 7c4f f084  .V...GFC....|O..
		0x0150:  9ac2 eaba a9fb c360 30cb 3505 6d44 6edb  .......`0.5.mDn.
		0x0160:  a78a 8a18 0a7a 896b 50b9 c311 b4c1 2433  .....z.kP.....$3
		0x0170:  a75f a105 2c34 6384 3e3e 654e 6dd5 8dce  ._..,4c.>>eNm...
		0x0180:  82d1 785a 9bb8 1ad8 6cd2 f43e e25f 9117  ..xZ....l..>._..
		0x0190:  8502 d03a 4e2a 7675 8e0f e499 5816 5c6c  ...:N*vu....X.\l
		0x01a0:  7a46 a5cf 4de2 68c9 ed02 0c4a 3876 b86c  zF..M.h....J8v.l
		0x01b0:  e06c f162 5088 d0e7 701b 7bbe 8378 e6ac  .l.bP...p.{..x..
		0x01c0:  66ad c8a8 1bb8 dc6c dd39 c3e8 1b3b 8441  f......l.9...;.A
		0x01d0:  3e3f 8541 df7d 71bb dc4f 749b e9d7 9207  >?.A.}q..Ot.....
		0x01e0:  08f6 513d 4469 5fcb 1695 599b 4482 a66e  ..Q=Di_...Y.D..n
		0x01f0:  fe20 c7bf f13a 940b ed01 147b 9e01 2298  .....:.....{..".
		0x0200:  5f6e 02cb 3be4 a783 d6da 7e41 17b6 13fd  _n..;.....~A....
		0x0210:  fa8f d525 31ef b25b 33f5 8d92 af7e f2    ...%1..[3....~.
	23:07:23.280996 IP localhost.47183 > localhost.49580: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aaa 4000 4011 2221 7f00 0001  E.....@.@."!....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b84f c1ac 000c fe1f 0004 0003  .....O..........
	23:07:23.283121 IP localhost.33021 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 22
		0x0000:  4500 0032 1aab 4000 4011 220e 7f00 0001  E..2..@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 80fd 8107 001e fe31 0001 3135  ...........1..15
		0x0020:  3336 6279 7465 732e 6269 6e00 6f63 7465  36bytes.bin.octe
		0x0030:  7400                                     t.
	23:07:23.283446 IP localhost.58858 > localhost.33021: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1aac 4000 4011 201f 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 e5ea 80fd 020c 0020 0003 0001  ................
		0x0020:  5aff 51bc 4626 c2d9 3e89 d228 f3a0 497c  Z.Q.F&..>..(..I|
		0x0030:  0ec8 9320 c2ba d0ec 407f d85d 5116 bf95  ........@..]Q...
		0x0040:  df88 b482 25f1 3624 e7bf b317 798c d5d1  ....%.6$....y...
		0x0050:  1df4 83e5 b5c1 de93 528c 39de c655 6c41  ........R.9..UlA
		0x0060:  cc2d 2824 8c5a d425 09a4 aab8 2cf2 de1c  .-($.Z.%....,...
		0x0070:  23c9 8055 eec3 d92a ee24 4a6d bebb 2539  #..U...*.$Jm..%9
		0x0080:  34b0 b19e 4e9f 2b67 8d10 2c2e 1a30 e319  4...N.+g..,..0..
		0x0090:  45bc 914c 61da 0861 2d10 0e95 6ef1 1c8a  E..La..a-...n...
		0x00a0:  f7fe 566e 9045 8f8b c177 ee8b bfe1 1b98  ..Vn.E...w......
		0x00b0:  f018 c103 fbb7 272a c201 0982 a577 6760  ......'*.....wg`
		0x00c0:  a3c8 b722 23e2 6799 b84e 162a 7298 9706  ..."#.g..N.*r...
		0x00d0:  3364 3f3c 1da7 ce6e 48bc 3ff6 2734 3d28  3d?<...nH.?.'4=(
		0x00e0:  5d86 160a f5a2 2f50 2e60 d1d2 a31f 6346  ]...../P.`....cF
		0x00f0:  856f 260d d7f5 4418 cc14 c990 f795 1372  .o&...D........r
		0x0100:  5dbb a0bf e72a cfe1 1b18 6eab 519b eaf8  ]....*....n.Q...
		0x0110:  c86f 802a f7e9 4416 2bea 1fd0 8e53 b3f6  .o.*..D.+....S..
		0x0120:  5c1c c173 9ae6 0269 f6a5 e2d5 6ee5 e0c7  \..s...i....n...
		0x0130:  9a6d 281a c0c7 1d2a 94dc 5f2e 937e 01e6  .m(....*.._..~..
		0x0140:  2e05 9705 9364 f648 3914 4616 3dd5 ec4f  .....d.H9.F.=..O
		0x0150:  aa66 7547 dbee 5844 cd0e af9f f9d3 9ad1  .fuG..XD........
		0x0160:  c51a d504 b508 13b5 eb48 a6c1 8005 9308  .........H......
		0x0170:  ac03 b8e9 904d 8ddb ca8f adf5 d1bf d791  .....M..........
		0x0180:  ee48 9219 9307 2beb 424b 7f1e 8432 7cbb  .H....+.BK...2|.
		0x0190:  749a cbe9 3e53 d906 0b32 cfee 010f fa5f  t...>S...2....._
		0x01a0:  4a5d 645e 610b 8e4a 0b07 eb54 a9e3 310a  J]d^a..J...T..1.
		0x01b0:  15bb 47db 1e38 b690 3c79 8648 b7fa 7743  ..G..8..<y.H..wC
		0x01c0:  d0eb 8969 5b7d 6473 477b 9ab4 38d6 4814  ...i[}dsG{..8.H.
		0x01d0:  3f9e 6ef0 0bba 196f 393a 5aa3 57d0 df57  ?.n....o9:Z.W..W
		0x01e0:  26bf 92ae 2d20 c3c3 a094 bd87 b54e 70c9  &...-........Np.
		0x01f0:  7393 e808 ffa4 a0f4 22c0 afd3 023f 097d  s......."....?.}
		0x0200:  ddfa 020b 8615 0c00 3f9f 163f d4d4 8551  ........?..?...Q
		0x0210:  8f68 66ac 0b41 0bff 1cd8 bc38 6032 8f08  .hf..A.....8`2..
	23:07:23.284022 IP localhost.33021 > localhost.58858: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aad 4000 4011 221e 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 80fd e5ea 000c fe1f 0004 0001  ................
	23:07:23.284186 IP localhost.58858 > localhost.33021: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1aae 4000 4011 201d 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 e5ea 80fd 020c 0020 0003 0002  ................
		0x0020:  6f27 edcc 3d5d ba4e cfdb f559 eab5 6c27  o'..=].N...Y..l'
		0x0030:  9b6b 8ee0 6480 55b6 3312 457f 0824 4b00  .k..d.U.3.E..$K.
		0x0040:  6d61 f63e 01c1 1c8e 725b d5fb 2a29 2371  ma.>....r[..*)#q
		0x0050:  9178 e3b9 b3c5 76fc 3da6 1c20 950e 3d21  .x....v.=.....=!
		0x0060:  9e75 7c63 f3ef 41d0 502f cf4a c3de 8c0e  .u|c..A.P/.J....
		0x0070:  df76 fc9b 1602 105f 5259 b33f 848f fa5a  .v....._RY.?...Z
		0x0080:  215e 00e0 394d 34b1 a435 5e95 3b2c 48f8  !^..9M4..5^.;,H.
		0x0090:  9446 63d6 440a 8e2c 4a39 a78f 2b37 7cb3  .Fc.D..,J9..+7|.
		0x00a0:  5e45 2d57 a36c e24f 383d cbab 4661 9799  ^E-W.l.O8=..Fa..
		0x00b0:  fc8e 8ce3 cf00 e157 fb83 3a31 889d 31b0  .......W..:1..1.
		0x00c0:  a872 a912 7630 bbf8 6107 9cf9 2219 d30b  .r..v0..a..."...
		0x00d0:  185f 8afd 05a5 aba7 6c4f 33a8 1e97 18f5  ._......lO3.....
		0x00e0:  53cb 7c13 b6d1 4c09 534d 9796 2797 360f  S.|...L.SM..'.6.
		0x00f0:  3c13 9d3d 5b78 c284 2561 7a5d 14fb d20d  <..=[x..%az]....
		0x0100:  ba46 d276 877d 92de 6ed3 d7e6 ea68 0ca3  .F.v.}..n....h..
		0x0110:  c22b e658 4cde a7ef 2c99 6029 0cc4 64b7  .+.XL...,.`)..d.
		0x0120:  d9af 92ea 4363 f310 d15a 3527 d92e e893  ....Cc...Z5'....
		0x0130:  d761 264d 4483 57d5 2ad3 3431 8477 852d  .a&MD.W.*.41.w.-
		0x0140:  ff27 1e7f 0757 bb32 d38c ad1b 8c9d fe28  .'...W.2.......(
		0x0150:  a4f3 e61f 1853 6e90 c0fe 6c1a fa94 2c30  .....Sn...l...,0
		0x0160:  d172 f56a f01c e730 75cb 6845 13d0 c3ec  .r.j...0u.hE....
		0x0170:  2832 13c5 f362 e293 2008 9f1c a411 4e38  (2...b........N8
		0x0180:  3ad8 d956 67eb 037d 8424 3c5f b528 5f5b  :..Vg..}.$<_.(_[
		0x0190:  9bbd 19df 74a3 91a1 8fe0 56a0 5483 aacf  ....t.....V.T...
		0x01a0:  5d8c 9ed1 ef22 38ca 8bb5 c2e2 4851 4678  ]...."8.....HQFx
		0x01b0:  dd61 cabc d35d 39c6 60e5 53cc 2086 168b  .a...]9.`.S.....
		0x01c0:  8d6f 6637 cce0 0055 429a 29bb 3430 2c0f  .of7...UB.).40,.
		0x01d0:  7987 5fd9 78a6 523a 74d0 44d8 7668 4f1c  y._.x.R:t.D.vhO.
		0x01e0:  e849 9cf2 a45a 66d3 f909 b7e4 7b36 2d4a  .I...Zf.....{6-J
		0x01f0:  f6c1 5e57 190d c09d 34a5 dcdc 68b1 e594  ..^W....4...h...
		0x0200:  345d 3f0d 3d62 d56d 2a1a 425d 6844 160c  4]?.=b.m*.B]hD..
		0x0210:  dfb8 f417 ae01 c98b b9a4 25a3 d012 7dc7  ..........%...}.
	23:07:23.284668 IP localhost.33021 > localhost.58858: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aaf 4000 4011 221c 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 80fd e5ea 000c fe1f 0004 0002  ................
	23:07:23.284825 IP localhost.58858 > localhost.33021: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1ab0 4000 4011 201b 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 e5ea 80fd 020c 0020 0003 0003  ................
		0x0020:  8877 c896 e0a9 1851 be1f 436c e860 db93  .w.....Q..Cl.`..
		0x0030:  b69b aa24 9727 1b6a 2934 a76e 2cf3 8f62  ...$.'.j)4.n,..b
		0x0040:  67b7 2e6e 188f 8df0 00a4 1596 be07 72b3  g..n..........r.
		0x0050:  0ea5 00ad 7896 1866 7995 88f4 82ac 5144  ....x..fy.....QD
		0x0060:  371e aaa1 5ad9 d674 c265 cb7f 1bc7 6e8d  7...Z..t.e....n.
		0x0070:  32ee 0fd9 b4ea bf37 ee18 ccdf 675b 46f1  2......7....g[F.
		0x0080:  5cc2 5e55 1887 b8d1 1a7e d605 23c5 2115  \.^U.....~..#.!.
		0x0090:  ecbc f8df c9af db1b c09a 5c86 d543 7467  ..........\..Ctg
		0x00a0:  751e 85b4 193a ef74 f567 d120 24ab 97ee  u....:.t.g..$...
		0x00b0:  2613 85c7 0308 913f b04a 74c5 00a1 bdda  &......?.Jt.....
		0x00c0:  c95b b4e2 1eb8 f0a6 e16b 6090 976e d2f5  .[.......k`..n..
		0x00d0:  055c 5337 3061 633b 4e41 9b44 892f 8345  .\S70ac;NA.D./.E
		0x00e0:  a797 19bc 83fa c408 7985 650a e67e 836a  ........y.e..~.j
		0x00f0:  2e64 4944 87e2 9f4d 5b68 887b ce1b 3716  .dID...M[h.{..7.
		0x0100:  0fd2 e332 7dd0 83ee c2f4 3ae1 6adb 5a83  ...2}.....:.j.Z.
		0x0110:  a261 23cb 2613 9df3 a775 7e25 e679 bf45  .a#.&....u~%.y.E
		0x0120:  946c 4004 7fd7 205f f98b e65e 876b 4e08  .l@...._...^.kN.
		0x0130:  bf8c 3aae 31fe 3162 b6ac 4c58 c10d a8e2  ..:.1.1b..LX....
		0x0140:  89ee f2b1 c45a 30f7 75f5 cc13 2b9d 0909  .....Z0.u...+...
		0x0150:  1b0e 9f8c 0e4c a228 7673 c1de 1388 ef11  .....L.(vs......
		0x0160:  02d9 5f34 4c28 cd91 37ee 00f3 4d1c dbeb  .._4L(..7...M...
		0x0170:  d23d 062e f8fa 4dda 6366 3236 a788 a7f6  .=....M.cf26....
		0x0180:  da68 8378 0855 0d6d ae40 208d 5616 7077
		0x0190:  6a3e 6fde 247a 17fa 1b9d 050a 8814 491d  j>o.$z........I.
		0x01a0:  fc0c 8e9d 52ac d06f a272 a943 8ba0 ff0f  ....R..o.r.C....
		0x01b0:  c30d 8ebb 448d afd1 849c d9c3 32c6 bad6  ....D.......2...
		0x01c0:  991e da14 7ced 133c 7a53 8625 cd79 166b  ....|..<zS.%.y.k
		0x01d0:  795c 3360 5422 1c03 5d48 8a41 9e5b cc05  y\3`T"..]H.A.[..
		0x01e0:  2667 1df4 9076 de1b 2a8e 5ea0 3c3c f0e7  &g...v..*.^.<<..
		0x01f0:  9cef 522e c2fb 4bc3 d912 7117 7ed9 ee3b  ..R...K...q.~..;
		0x0200:  a2a7 74e9 ede2 5350 4fdf 33d3 e592 5da6  ..t...SPO.3...].
		0x0210:  283d e03c 521b d9d5 0dd5 9cae c7ba b2bb  (=.<R...........
	23:07:23.285395 IP localhost.33021 > localhost.58858: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1ab1 4000 4011 221a 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 80fd e5ea 000c fe1f 0004 0003  ................
	23:07:23.285540 IP localhost.58858 > localhost.33021: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1ab2 4000 4011 2219 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 e5ea 80fd 000c fe1f 0003 0004  ................
	23:07:23.285625 IP localhost.33021 > localhost.58858: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1ab3 4000 4011 2218 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 80fd e5ea 000c fe1f 0004 0004  ................

	23:07:23.287752 IP localhost.47048 > localhost.33031: UDP, length 22
		0x0000:  4500 0032 1ab4 4000 4011 2205 7f00 0001  E..2..@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b7c8 8107 001e fe31 0001 3135  ...........1..15
		0x0020:  3337 6279 7465 732e 6269 6e00 6f63 7465  37bytes.bin.octe
		0x0030:  7400                                     t.
	23:07:23.288115 IP localhost.51526 > localhost.47048: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1ab5 4000 4011 2016 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c946 b7c8 020c 0020 0003 0001  .....F..........
		0x0020:  70e2 c230 f4b5 a27e 8b4b b82e b7f8 e498  p..0...~.K......
		0x0030:  94d1 b528 ca33 8a5b d496 b42d 7bea a43c  ...(.3.[...-{..<
		0x0040:  764c f26c 26c8 e37e 7911 ee0e b84d b28a  vL.l&..~y....M..
		0x0050:  41ee b98e b08e 0352 db52 f0a8 6b75 7c5f  A......R.R..ku|_
		0x0060:  9406 f502 f44c 5b83 7938 c4b3 1b43 1cd3  .....L[.y8...C..
		0x0070:  7ddc c6d1 387b 5b9d 476f 1c32 6fc3 2ba3  }...8{[.Go.2o.+.
		0x0080:  7686 1c21 da84 4944 df79 a8d6 0fb7 a692  v..!..ID.y......
		0x0090:  18bf aa65 149f 5888 6407 2773 2095 62fd  ...e..X.d.'s..b.
		0x00a0:  a571 7c72 3691 7035 3117 a028 52e4 6643  .q|r6.p51..(R.fC
		0x00b0:  73ca c65e db16 1ad6 fa65 db41 91f7 948c  s..^.....e.A....
		0x00c0:  d0e7 11ee efbe ca63 8503 149b 225c 9614  .......c...."\..
		0x00d0:  73f6 74ed 67fa 053c 53be a0eb edd3 5aa1  s.t.g..<S.....Z.
		0x00e0:  cb6e 2e09 bd16 6aeb ac41 0b49 6a62 d41d  .n....j..A.Ijb..
		0x00f0:  d125 44fe 03c2 dfdd 0d34 904d 612e b109  .%D......4.Ma...
		0x0100:  cca7 3eb3 45fa bf42 8d96 1038 2d73 e0e1  ..>.E..B...8-s..
		0x0110:  e7af 24b6 1926 2dfe 0640 6079 d47a 2852  ..$..&-..@`y.z(R
		0x0120:  0cb5 f303 b2dc 3dc9 f874 f312 bcb1 aeb1  ......=..t......
		0x0130:  7a26 7c23 0ea7 09c4 0d0b 265c 74dd 199b  z&|#......&\t...
		0x0140:  5874 68bc 1d3f aab6 4d48 213f df8a 17d5  Xth..?..MH!?....
		0x0150:  c206 7cfa bcd0 dd92 33d1 23f3 158e 9564  ..|.....3.#....d
		0x0160:  ec35 bacb 997f b82e b8c5 6f65 84f1 882e  .5........oe....
		0x0170:  6dcb ea04 f60b bd12 2ee9 7711 3be1 5e27  m.........w.;.^'
		0x0180:  38a0 2e8c 1462 cb4c 358a ec4b 06a1 35c9  8....b.L5..K..5.
		0x0190:  2361 a131 4b3c 4f1e 71ac ca09 bd4f b075  #a.1K<O.q....O.u
		0x01a0:  020d 5d91 e3b2 9777 4b53 9bb7 4490 273a  ..]....wKS..D.':
		0x01b0:  4a9e ac6f d3d7 83a5 5730 73eb 57fa ed5e  J..o....W0s.W..^
		0x01c0:  570e 0f1d 6c37 a9b3 a351 e732 2810 cb2a  W...l7...Q.2(..*
		0x01d0:  6b62 f8c4 24dc 61f0 11b6 4c1b 5717 fac2  kb..$.a...L.W...
		0x01e0:  18e5 ada7 f2d8 62aa eacb 3378 05fe 6197  ......b...3x..a.
		0x01f0:  e2df 41c0 d529 f6c0 5eed 70bd ef92 6562  ..A..)..^.p...eb
		0x0200:  b04b b005 5f31 c820 4e91 5a2a 63d5 3c4f  .K.._1..N.Z*c.<O
		0x0210:  6e80 30c4 c9ca 0737 2fcc 24d3 995f 4d8d  n.0....7/.$.._M.
	23:07:23.288694 IP localhost.47048 > localhost.51526: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1ab6 4000 4011 2215 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b7c8 c946 000c fe1f 0004 0001  .......F........
	23:07:23.288895 IP localhost.51526 > localhost.47048: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1ab7 4000 4011 2014 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c946 b7c8 020c 0020 0003 0002  .....F..........
		0x0020:  b0b9 fbd9 3583 e2e0 eaab 8089 20d0 2b57  ....5.........+W
		0x0030:  5826 6664 cef7 edb5 068a 1d2b 7210 0e84  X&fd.......+r...
		0x0040:  c595 6686 e713 5d51 9a1c 264e b218 56fd  ..f...]Q..&N..V.
		0x0050:  4fdf 25ec d8c5 2098 372b 0aac 178a 59b7  O.%.....7+....Y.
		0x0060:  b46a 1b9e 3542 82ec 06a3 3200 07e9 ba6f  .j..5B....2....o
		0x0070:  d250 e39d ffea 038f c38b 20af a79b 06ae  .P..............
		0x0080:  11e0 f0d3 01a8 8ef2 8d6e 2a91 c119 f849  .........n*....I
		0x0090:  6445 4052 e306 54bc 7467 3979 a67b 2d62  dE@R..T.tg9y.{-b
		0x00a0:  6f0e 25db 912b 8c11 81e4 a0d9 d612 6f36  o.%..+........o6
		0x00b0:  77ac 8474 904e 27b3 ddab d569 34d1 1fac  w..t.N'....i4...
		0x00c0:  207e 9129 e61a 5ddc 58b5 959f afd0 29d5  .~.)..].X.....).
		0x00d0:  d792 8ddf b136 912a b9f4 4bda efe9 ea3b  .....6.*..K....;
		0x00e0:  62c4 72f5 fcdb 2d5e c741 e3b7 00d1 aaac  b.r...-^.A......
		0x00f0:  7b55 54a7 5f6b 3ffa a91f e062 f332 f0e1  {UT._k?....b.2..
		0x0100:  149e bccf eb13 9045 a21d 139a 862c cc82  .......E.....,..
		0x0110:  b37b 8a6a cd99 3afe e79f 888b cde4 4397  .{.j..:.......C.
		0x0120:  b7e3 44d2 f6d9 655a ec0f b8cb c992 6f1a  ..D...eZ......o.
		0x0130:  9877 789f 7738 cff3 50e3 0aca 36d3 fd44  .wx.w8..P...6..D
		0x0140:  3d34 a693 e241 d039 ff98 62c0 9dae 0f87  =4...A.9..b.....
		0x0150:  5153 7634 32db fddd 153e a6ff 77d5 f5f4  QSv42....>..w...
		0x0160:  4bd2 c15f 67e8 3307 1def 7a92 2a49 3c80  K.._g.3...z.*I<.
		0x0170:  971c 107e e001 8fae 1a67 77d9 6305 ac2c,
		0x0180:  dfdd 6bd0 eac6 d3e6 6071 bebb e6fc b9cc  ..k.....`q......
		0x0190:  529b 5111 0224 0015 c814 6770 e49c e0f7  R.Q..$
		0x01a0:  e7f1 dbeb 6273 b66b 6fb3 d1d3 7580 7089
		0x01b0:  f78b 56be 3a3c 7f43 13eb d763 16ea 7ade  ..V.:<.C...c..z.
		0x01c0:  602e 7eae d87a 18a5 8098 6ac4 3255 e601  `.~..z....j.2U..
		0x01d0:  5579 dcc5 f457 e8b7 8b40 6951 fff5 bc71  Uy...W...@iQ...q
		0x01e0:  abbc d3fa e1c0 6978 7f97 96b9 3ac5 eb32  ......ix....:..2
		0x01f0:  b207 5da7 8b0b 6fb5 7818 934f 214a b60e  ..]...o.x..O!J..
		0x0200:  7b0c 46fe fd4f ec94 4cbf 4db1 6e9d d533  {.F..O..L.M.n..3
		0x0210:  baae 6c52 04b8 e967 54b9 4369 7ac2 eefc  ..lR...gT.Ciz...
	23:07:23.289437 IP localhost.47048 > localhost.51526: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1ab8 4000 4011 2213 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b7c8 c946 000c fe1f 0004 0002  .......F........
	23:07:23.289593 IP localhost.51526 > localhost.47048: UDP, length 516
		0x0000:  4500 0220 1ab9 4000 4011 2012 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.......
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c946 b7c8 020c 0020 0003 0003  .....F..........
		0x0020:  aa21 b056 6fe7 6af2 c649 443b 91ba 39ca  .!.Vo.j..ID;..9.
		0x0030:  2ca5 5a44 e42a 4d30 7f2f 00e5 e84a 8b2e  ,.ZD.*M0./...J..
		0x0040:  40fe 2169 8ed1 537d 0e12 7752 37cf 1cdc  @.!i..S}..wR7...
		0x0050:  26f9 da27 83e2 3bd2 9f92 cb23 5466 a548  &..'..;....#Tf.H
		0x0060:  d330 bbad e967 8d7d 08a3 2f0f c143 5aa0  .0...g.}../..CZ.
		0x0070:  767e c4bf 244a 79ae 59e4 a515 8395 1d74  v~..$Jy.Y......t
		0x0080:  5927 1f33 1642 6d9c e81d 7d1c 151d e431  Y'.3.Bm...}....1
		0x0090:  da17 f0c0 967d 7f0a 6853 86f3 6a9c 7429  .....}..hS..j.t)
		0x00a0:  edd1 0b13 0094 a374 77a2 3248 46d6 2041
		0x00b0:  4c2d 9473 c871 0ec8 2708 cc6c 5d43 5559  L-.s.q..'..l]CUY
		0x00c0:  1130 fef7 2fe3 3742 effe 02a7 c1d6 7deb  .0../.7B......}.
		0x00d0:  3279 86ea ec24 20b9 3fcf 466e 4a4f 1bc8  2y...$..?.FnJO..
		0x00e0:  0212 5bd1 fd64 ead2 702a aeb8 2078 c542  ..[..d..p*...x.B
		0x00f0:  ab76 765c dfb9 af0d 4026 6623 b84e 5b6d  .vv\....@&f#.N[m
		0x0100:  285c fe26 99aa 1583 bc7d 42df 63e8 60d9  (\.&.....}B.c.`.
		0x0110:  d3bb f3f4 d372 feed ece0 0fcb 4e4a fadf  .....r......NJ..
		0x0120:  8c68 c2aa 45f5 fc6d dfd9 873a 64e4 2c84  .h..E..m...:d.,.
		0x0130:  dfec 5661 3f01 fd10 ed84 5ae6 45a6 7342  ..Va?.....Z.E.sB
		0x0140:  f85b b87c 8b13 b500 462b 9a4a d690 0890  .[.|....F+.J....
		0x0150:  50bb 97b1 557a af4d 2faa 7871 afd1 880b  P...Uz.M/.xq....
		0x0160:  20a8 a9f2 02a1 bb77 22b4 583a ae37 c449  .......w".X:.7.I
		0x0170:  a098 6023 9cf0 d49c 99cd db76 e8fe e047  ..`#.......v...G
		0x0180:  cb92 68b9 ce0f 52d9 acd4 3801 75eb ddf1  ..h...R...8.u...
		0x0190:  5548 60af 0aba ba03 6a39 0e97 a6d3 714d  UH`.....j9....qM
		0x01a0:  58e3 11c6 7bad ec82 ccb6 675f 65a7 e04f  X...{.....g_e..O
		0x01b0:  4226 2804 038d 14e3 cc85 2898 455e ccd1  B&(.......(.E^..
		0x01c0:  d823 df19 6cc8 6d9c 6297 4d03 b599 51a1  .#..l.m.b.M...Q.
		0x01d0:  4a5d 3b40 fa48 d427 947f 87a4 d6a3 6b52  J];@.H.'......kR
		0x01e0:  a423 8b8b 4c13 c1e7 d483 c1c3 b009 0884  .#..L...........
		0x01f0:  5133 44ae 2401 c4b0 415e c0c8 2535 fb6c  Q3D.$...A^..%5.l
		0x0200:  ae89 2d90 77a8 edaf aa80 1630 c49f 9c18  ..-.w......0....
		0x0210:  fe9e 5765 45e0 d758 eafd 215a d480 c2c4  ..WeE..X..!Z....
	23:07:23.290143 IP localhost.47048 > localhost.51526: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1aba 4000 4011 2211 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b7c8 c946 000c fe1f 0004 0003  .......F........
	23:07:23.290280 IP localhost.51526 > localhost.47048: UDP, length 5
		0x0000:  4500 0021 1abb 4000 4011 220f 7f00 0001  E..!..@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 c946 b7c8 000d fe20 0003 0004  .....F..........
		0x0020:  5e                                       ^
	23:07:23.290379 IP localhost.47048 > localhost.51526: UDP, length 4
		0x0000:  4500 0020 1abc 4000 4011 220f 7f00 0001  E.....@.@.".....
		0x0010:  7f00 0001 b7c8 c946 000c fe1f 0004 0004  .......F........
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Author: Burton Rosenberg
Created: 10 April, 2019
Last Update: 10 April, 2019