Packet Pass-On Bake-off

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: mar 2021


The previous project we worked on the Packet Pass-On program, and tested it under localhost, that is, only a single machine with two open sockets; and tested it among a few different hosts, but all using the same code.

Network programs connect together different programs, written by different people, through a common protocol. The goal of this project is to put your code in that context and see if it works with other implementations of the pass-on protocol.

We will have a competition to help motivate this project, because you must work together in groups, and organize this yourselves. At the due date we will have the bake-off in class and grades will be awarded.


Form groups. Each in the group fires up an EC2 instance, and the public IP's are made known. Open up the UDP port used by the protocol (see the Makefile) in the security group.

Decide on an orde that the packet will travers the instances. Each but the starter instance runs as a server. The starter instance uses the -m option to list the IP's of the other instances. The packet should pass through all the instances and back to the starter instance.

The output on each instance should be inspected that the pass on was correct.


You may organize yourself as a you wish. We will award points for a correct pass-on by the size of the group and a bonus for the largest group.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 5 mar 2021
update: 6 mar 2021