QUIZ 1 Name: Grade: Date out: 10 Feb 2021 Date due: 15 Feb 2021 1. Copy this file and the excel file into you folder, in a quiz1 folder. 2. Open up two EC2 instances. I will call them S and C. Get two ssh windows logged into S, and one into C. 3. Subversion checkout the class repo, and compile on both machines: class/examples/netbounce (by running make). 4. In one ssh to S terminal run: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -X udp 5. In the other ssh to S termina run: make run-server 6. In the ssh to C terminal run: make run-client 7. Copy and paste two tcpdump elements that correspond to the two packets of the net bound protocol to the end of this quiz. 8. Select one of these two to complete the Excel spreadsheet. 9. Stop (or terminate) your EC2 instances, as you wish. HOW TO COMPLETE THE spreadsheet 1. Put the bytes, 2 bytes (4 hexidecimal charecters) at a time into the top box where it says PACKET. The numbers along the top and side are the byte numbers 2. Copy the nibbles, bytes, or words, as the case maybe from the PACKET box to the IP HEADER, UDP HEADER and PAYLOAD boxes. The colors and byte numbers should help guide you. 3. Decode, according the the type field, the hexidecimal. You can use "man ascii" to get a table of ASCII codes; you have to look online for hex to decimal converters. 4. Check that the IP Addresses and Port Numbers are correct with what tcpdump decoded. Check the correctness of the various length fields. COPY THE TCPDUMP OUTPUT BELOW: