Test and commit. A new Makefile macro gives the name of the logfile and the
option to apply for the targets run-server.
Third activity: enable shtml
I will not explain how the logfile will be presented by your web serve.
Of the several ways of doing this we will use server-side includes. There
is a new starter index.shtml that you should move to your web server root,
/var/www/ubuntu/index.shtml. Note that it includes the magic SSI lines,
Once we have SSI's enabled, and the .shtml suffix recognized, as the
index file is being served, it is filtered through a pre-processor that looks for such
lines, that are otherwise comments and invisible to the user, and performs the
The two directives here are #echo and #include. Processing these
replaces them with the local date and the contents of the named file.
Browse to your webserver, and the shtml should show the time, but will complain
about not finding the file netbounce-log.txt, because we have not created that file yet.
Note that not both the html and the shtml should be present. The DirectoryIndex
option means that either will be taken, but the index.html is taken in preference.
Fourth activity: the project website
Update the Makefile in your project with the correct log file location,
LOGFILE= /var/www/ubuntu/netbounce-log.txt
Run the server; netbounce with the client; and refresh your webbrowser to see the
appending log.