Submitting Homework

To sumit your homework, do the following:

  1. Put all your work in a directory. Call this something like hw2a or whatever the number tar with compression the directory,
        tar zcf hw2.tar hw2
  2. Convert the tar to emailable uuencode. for the real file name use the tar file name extended with .uu; but for the inside filename use your userid, like this:
        uuencode bacd322.tar > hw2.tar.uu
  3. Email the uuencoded file to csc322 with subject line csc322 submit bacd322:hw2
  4. You will receive an autoreply with subject Re: csc322 submit bacd322:hw2
I wrote a script to do all this, and also to deal with people who need to attach their files using yahoo email or whatever. If you want to use that, ok.

For further details about the file see e-submit.html