Homework 5

Out: Tue 17 Feb 1998
Due: During Lab Session

Programming Assignment:

Write, compile and run the Statistics.java program to calculate the average and standard deviation of a collection of numbers. The example program MySecondObject.java will serve as a model. You will also need to input double values using the technique demonstrated in Temperature.java.
Note: The import java.io.* ; must be at the top of your Statistics.java, and the throws IOException must follow the line declaring main, exactly as in Temperature.java.

The formula are:

   average = total / n ;
   variance = ( sqrTotal - ( total*total )/n ) / (n-1) ;
   standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(variance) ;
where n numbers have been entered, the sum of those numbers is total and the sum of the squares of those numbers is sqrTotal.

Here is a sample run:

    appomattox> javac Statistics.java
    appomattox> java Statistics
    How many numbers? 3
    Enter value: .2
    Enter value: .3
    Enter value: .6
    3 numbers entered.
    Their average is 0.3666666666666667
    Their standard deviation is 0.2081665999466132

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