Linked Lists
- The Ordered List ADT
(HSM Ch.2.3)
- An ordered list object is an ordered sequence of zero or
more elements of some type.
If the all the elements are of the same type, it is a
homogeneous ordered list, otherwise it is a
heterogeneous ordered list.
- Operations include
- Checking if the list is empty
- Finding the length of the list
- Storing a new element at one end or a specified position
in the list
- Retrieving an element from one end or a specified position
in the list
- Retrieving elements of the list from one end to the other
- Removing an element at one end or a specified position
in the list
- Comparing elements
- Output the elements in order
- Examples
(HSM Ch.2.3)
- The array ADT can be used to implement a homogeneous ordered
list ADT.
- Complications in the implementation due to the static
nature of arrays.
- Useful in some special cases, e.g., polynomials.
- Singly Linked Lists
- Motivation (vs Arrays)
(HSM Ch.4.1)
- Adding new data
- Deleting data
- Storage efficiency
- Simple representation
(HSM Ch.4.2.1-2)
- Private data and link - cannot access data from pointer
to node
- Public data, or public access functions -
violates encapsulation principle
- Any function can access, not only linked list
manipulation functions
- Only linked list manipulation functions must
manipulate the data
- Data class inside linked list class - cannot add more data
to linked list class without adding more to every node.
- Nested classes - does not provide reusability of data class
- Separate list class and data class, with linked list
manipulation functions as friends
- Reusable representation
(HSM Ch.4.3.1)
- Circular Linked Lists
(HSM Ch.4.4)
- Representation
- A dummy head node
- Doubly Linked Lists
(HSM Ch.4.9)
- Motivation
- Can only move one way
- Hard to delete a known node
- Hard to insert before a known node
- Representation
- Ease of previously difficult operations
- A dummy head node
(HSM Fig.4.29-30)
- Iterators
- Motivation
(HSM Ch.4.3.2)
- Using member functions of the list class
- Some functions do not make sense for some instantiations
of the template
- List class could become bulky
- Class implementor has to predict all possible needs
- Class user has to understand implementation to add new ones,
which violates data abstraction
- Iterators provide sequential access to data in nodes
- Internal iterators
- Add another node pointer (the iterator) in the list class
- Add member functions to
- Set the iterator to the start or end
- Check if the iterator is at a node
- Check if there is a node after or before the iterator
- Move the iterator forwards or backwards
- Get or set the data of the current node
- Add a node before or after the current node
- Delete the node before or after the current node
- Only one (or a fixed number) of iterators available per list
- External iterators
(HSM Ch.4.3.2)
- An iterator class is made a friend of the node and list classes
- An iterator object contains a pointer to a list object and
a pointer to a node in that list.
- Member functions manipulate the node pointer.
- Singly linked lists: HSM Ch.4.2, exercises 2, 4, 5.
- Circular linked lists: HSM Ch.4.4, exercise 1.
Lab Tasks
Exam Style Questions
- Define the ordered list ADT.
- Give a C++ header file showing the classes for a decent linked list
implementation. You need not give the function declarations, but
you must declare the data members.
- Draw a picture of a {linked list,circular linked list,doubly linked
list} with nodes containing the integer values 1, 16, 27, 92.
Do not use any dummy nodes.
- What is the difference between an internal and an external iterator?
- What is the space complexity of a {linked list,circular linked list,
doubly linked list} for storing N fixed size items of data?
- What is the big-O time complexity of {traversing,inserting a node
at the front,inserting a node at the end} a {linked list,
circular linked list,doubly linked list}?
Explain your answer.