Binary Trees
- The Binary Tree ADT
(HSM Ch.5.2.1)
- Definition (HSM p.253, Fig.5.28)
- C++ ADT (HSM ADT 5.1)
- Types of binary trees
- Full binary trees (HSM p.256, Fig.5.11)
- Complete binary trees (HSM p.257, Fig.5.10)
- Properties (HSM Ch.5.2.2)
- Maximal number of nodes on a level (HSM Lemma 5.2)
- Maximal number of nodes in a tree (HSM Lemma 5.2)
- Relationship between numbers of nodes of degree 0 and 2
(HSM Lemma 5.3)
- Node numbers in complete binary trees (HSM Lemma 5.4)
- Hierarchy of Binary Tree ADTs
(HSM Ch.5.11, Fig.5.44)
- Binary tree (HSM Fig.5.7)
- Complete binary tree (HSM Fig.5.10(b), Fig.5.11)
- Heaps (HSM Fig.5.24, Fig.5.25)
- Binary search tree (HSM Fig.5.28)
- Selection trees (HSM Fig.5.31)
- Binary Tree Representation
(HSM Ch.5.2.3)
- Array representation
(HSM Ch., Fig.5.12)
- Space and time efficiency
- Linked representation
(HSM Ch., Fig.5.14)
- Space and time efficiency
- Copying and comparing binary trees
(HSM Ch.5.4, Prog.5.9-10)
- Binary Tree Traversal
- Depth-first
- Inorder
(HSM Ch.5.3.2, Prog.5.1)
- Preorder
(HSM Ch.5.3.3, Prog.5.2)
- Postorder
(HSM Ch.5.3.4, Prog.5.3)
- Breadth-first
(HSM Ch.5.3.6, Prog.5.7)
- Inorder traversal
- Recursive (HSM Ch.5.3.2, Prog.5.1)
- Non-recursive (HSM Ch.5.3.5, Prog.5.4)
- With an iterator (HSM Ch.5.3.5, Prog.5.5-6)
- Threaded binary trees
(HSM Ch.5.5)
- Applications
- Arithmetic expressions (HSM Ch.5.3)
- Representing expressions
- Output using traversals
- The SAT problem (HSM Ch.5.4.3)
- Definition (HSM p.273, Fig.5.18)
- Representation (HSM p.275)
- Algorithms (HSM Prog.5.11-12)
- The binary tree ADT: HSM Ch.5.2, exercise 1-2.
- Binary tree representation: HSM Ch.5.2, exercise 3.
- Binary tree operations: HSM Ch.5.4, exercise 1-2.
- Binary tree traversal: HSM Ch.5.3, exercise 2-3.
- Threaded binary trees: HSM Ch.5.5, exercise 2.
Lab Tasks
Exam Style Questions
- Define a {binary tree,complete binary tree,full binary tree}.
- What is the maximal number of nodes on a given level of a binary tree?
- What is the maximal number of nodes in a binary tree of depth D?
- Derive the relationship between the number of nodes of degree 0 and the
number of nodes of degree 2, in a binary tree.
- Describe how an array may be used to effectively represent a complete
binary tree.
- Draw the array representation of the following binary tree.
[Picture of some tree, make up your own :-]
- In what circumstances is the array representation of a binary tree
space efficient and space inefficient?
- Give a recursive algorithm for determining if two binary trees are
- List the nodes visited in the order of an inorder DFS
traversal of this binary tree.
[Picture of some tree, make up your own :-]
- Draw the inorder-threaded linked representation of this binary tree.
[Picture of some tree, make up your own :-]
- Describe, using an example, how an arithmetic expression can be
represented using a binary tree.
Once represented, how can the expression be output in postfix notation?