HSR videos
- All:
- Pick and place at RoboCup 2024 (07/2024)
- Go-Get (simulation, double-speed) (06/2021)
- Bring me challenge at WRS 2018 (10/2018)
- Navigation, HRI, pick and place object (09/2108)
- HRI:
- Receptionist with ChatGPT (05/2023)
- Receptionist at RoboCup (07/2022)
- HRI open challenge at RoboCup (06/2021)
- Posture Mimicking and Emotion mirroring on HSR and 3D ECA (03/2021)
- ITP: Inverse Trajectory Planning for Human Pose Prediction (06/2020)
- Speech and person recognition (RoboCup 2018)
- eEva-HSR greetings konnichiwa, pound-it, shaka (03/2018)
- First impression of eEva on HSR (02/2018)
- Motions:
- Open refrigerator (10/2018)
- Gripper motions from different angles: front, top (10/2018)
- Open dishwasher (06/2018)
- RoboCup qualification:
- DSPL 2021 Extra Qualification video (simulation, 2021)
- DSPL Qualification video (2020)
- DSPL Qualification video (2019)
- DSPL Qualification video (2018)
NAO robot videos
- Kick and walkkick:
- Dynamic walking (2016):
- HRI:
- HRI-Spoken Dialog (2014)
- Play scenes:
- Goal against B-Human (2016)
- RoboCup US Open Final (2015)
- RoboCup WorldCup Scene against Philosophers (2014)