Pedro Peña and Ubbo Visser (2020). ITP: Inverse Trajectory Planning for Human Pose Prediction. Künstliche Intelligenz , 34(2), pp. 209-225, June 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-020-00658-7
Pedro Peña and Ubbo Visser (2020). Adaptive Walk-Kick on a Bipedal Robot. In Stefan Chalup et al., editor, RoboCup 2019: Robot Soccer World Cup XXIII. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2020. Best Paper Award Candidate
Rahul Dass, Nick Petersen, Ubbo Visser and Marisa Omori (2020): It’s Not Just Black and White: Classifying Defendant Mugshots Based on the Multidimensionality of Race and Ethnicity. In L. Paull and M. Brown (ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Computer and Robot Vision, (pp 238-245), IEEE Xplore, DOI 10.1109/CRV50864.2020.00039.
Pedro Pena, Christine Lisetti, Mihai Polceanu, and Ubbo Visser. eEVA: Real-time Web-based Affective Agents for Human-Robot Interface. In Dirk Holz, Katie Genter, Maarouf Saad, and Oskar von Stryk, editors, RoboCup 2018: Robot Soccer World Cup XXII. S(pp. 262-274), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2019.
Pedro Pena, Joseph Masterjohn, and Ubbo Visser. An Omni-directional Kick Engine for Humanoid Robots with Parameter Optimization. In Hidehisa Akiyama, Oliver Obst, Claude Sammut, and Flavio Tonidandel, (pp. 385-397), editors, RoboCup 2017: Robot Soccer World Cup XXI. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2018.
Andreas Seekircher and Ubbo Visser. An Adaptive LIPM-based Dynamic Walk using Model Parameter Optimization on Humanoid Robots. Kuenstliche Intelligenz (KI), Special Issue RoboCup, 30(3):1–12, July 2016.
R. Amini, C. L. Lisetti, and G. Ruiz (2015). HapFACS 3.0: Open-Source FACS-Based Facial Expression Generator for 3D speaking virtual characters. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 6(4), pp-348-360.
Saminda Abeyruwan, Dilip Sarkar, Faisal Sikder, and Ubbo Visser. Semi-Automatic Extraction of Training Examples from Sensor Readings for and Posture Monitoring. IEEE Sensors, 16(13):5406–5415, April 2016.
Saminda Abeyruwan, Ramesh Baral, Ugan Yasavur, Christine Lisetti, and Ubbo Visser. Humanoid Robots and Spoken Dialog Systems for Brief Health Interventions. In Sonia Chernova, Kris Hauser, Chad Jenkins, Maja Mataríc, Andrea Thomaz, and Manuela Veloso, editors, AAAI Fall Symposium, AI-HRI Workshop, AAAI Fall Symposium Series, pages 2–4. AAAI press, 2014.